Tuesday, May 22, 2007


I'M ON ROIDS!!! No really, I am. It seems that my claim of being immune to poison ivy has finally been thrown aside. I most definitely am allergic to poison ivy, oak, sumac, maple tree pollen (yes, I can still eat syrup), and the New York Yankees. So after a night waking up scratching my arms, I broke down and went to the doc's. They prescribed a tasty steroid and not only is my ivy less bothersome but just yesterday I LIFTED AN ENTIRE SCHOOL BUS ABOVE MY HEAD!!! That's right, Barry, I'm coming after you.

Two games into round three of the Sox/Yanks series this summer and we've split the three game set so far. Rubber match tomorrow of the wheeling, dealing, fellow blogger Curt Schilling vs. Andy "Roger-come-play-with-me" Pettite. Last night's game put me in a TV hell. Why would they schedule a nationally broadcast Sox/Yanks game on the same night as the season finale of 24?!?! Are they crazy?!?! And what about that episode? WOW! I'm speechless. The silent clock at the end? Did Jack jump? I can't wait for January. Wait...yes I can.

Back to baseball.

So last night's TV quandry kind of solved itself once the Sox dropped a few runs behind the Yanks. I gave up on flipping back and forth and decided that for my health it would be better to watch Jack Bauer save the world. Then tonight, after creating a sweet new room setup (thanks Mom and Dad) I realize that the game has been on TV and I haven't been watching. It's ok though. We're up 7-2 and we've got Okie-Dokie in the 8th and surely Pap to follow in the 9th. My dad sits down just as I turn it on and Okie is getting ready for his first pitch. Dad happens to say, "We just can't walk anybody." Enter two walks by Okie and Pap each. I also knew that the Yankees commentator (it was being broadcast by the YES! network...what elementary school guidance counselor came up with that name?) pretty much jinxed Okie by saying "Well one more inning and Okajima holds the Red Sox reliever's record for longest scoreless streak." Thanks, pal. Okie gives up one run and Pap comes in and strikes out Jeter on two very borderline pitches to end the game. This almost makes up for A-rod who earlier in the game got a little dirty by throwing elbows at noodle-arm Pedroia. Seriously A-Rod, pick on somebody your own size. I hope Schill wacks him in the ass tomorrow.

Speaking of tomorrow, we all get to say goodbye for one final time to a very special lady. You'll always live on in our hearts, Gran. These words are for you tonight. I love you.


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